“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”
―Aristotle,The Nicomachean Ethics
As the Day 3 of the CVAP ended, 2 main points were shared: Practice and Promote your Brand. As an aspiring voice artist, it is no secret that I still have a lot more to work on, that is why the Day 3 reminder was very important, that I need to Practice!, Practice! more and Practice again, through this I believe it can further develop my voice. Please feel free to access the Video Page of this website to view my video on the CVAP Session 3 Summary . Another very important point to consider is to Promote your Brand and market yourself. I admit that, although I am a millennial, I barely visit social media due to a lot of factors (I hate seeing people fighting in social media, trolls are everywhere, personal stuff which should not be shared are being shared anyway just for the sake of attention, bad news etc..), I have very few posts, very few pictures, and I am definitely an old school. But joining CVAP, I realized the importance of promoting yourself through social media. Through social media you can reach millions of people, and if you want to inspire people, inspire to do good and be better, to be heard and to be of good influence, social media can really help. I guess, I just need to practice also ignoring the hate, and just learn from the bad news, and of course I still need to be very careful on what to posts and share. Having said that, I welcome myself to social media!!! hahaha. Please feel free to visit my accounts and follow me: https://soundcloud.com/me_voces, https://www.facebook.com/MEVoces-101424814985755, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgS-rL8iX2m4VdEnMm0qxw?view_as=subscriber.
This has been MEVoces... see you on the next post XD.